
About Me

Hey there! I'm Rizwan 👋

I'm a passionate mobile developer, tech enthusiast, and problem-solver. With over a decade of experience in the industry, I've worked on everything from large-scale enterprise applications to open-source projects that push the boundaries of mobile development.

What I Do

I currently work as a Mobile Lead at Scantrust, where I help build secure and scalable mobile solutions. Before that, I worked as a Senior Systems Engineer at Infosys.

My expertise lies in Apple platform development (iOS, iPadOS, macOS) and cross-platform development (React Native). Currently, I'm exploring the Android world with Kotlin.

Beyond Work

During my freetime, you'll likely find me:

  • 💻 Contributing to open-source projects – check out my work on GitHub
  • 📝 Writing about tech – visit my blog for insights and tutorials
  • 🛠️ Experimenting with new tools and frameworks

Let's Connect!

I'm always open to collaborations, mentorship, and exciting discussions on all things tech. If you're into mobile development, open-source, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out to me on social media.

Pronouns: He/Him


About This Site

👨🏼‍💻 This website is built using Astro, and hosted on Cloudflare Pages. The text is set in Inter, and code is displayed in SF Mono.

⚡ Fun Fact: I'm an Indian who can't handle spicy food 🌶️

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